Many people are still unaware where Squamish is located . In fact I remember driving through Squamish when I lived In Whistler passing it by, when finally moving here 7 years ago I was amazed and slightly emarbassed that I did not realize Squamish has a Waterfront!! Basically this community sits right between Vancouver BC and Whistler, this incredible positioning between 2 World renowned communities has many homeowners from the lower mainland and iinternational investors opening their eyes to this not so new community, although squamish has a wonderful History and many vibrant locals , there are alot of areas here still undiscovered which is making this a mecca for new investors and homewoners.
Squamish is able to waer 2 distinct hats , as a resort based community being only 30 minutes from Whistler as well 45 minutes to Vancouver creating a sub-community to Vancouver .
Most of downtown Squamish is actually located near the Waterfront and or the Howe Sound ,this area was previously where alot of logging manufacturing took place as well as Woodfibre across the Howe Sound.While those industries have left this area there is a Waterfront getting ready for the next step in Urban Planning and job creation for the community . The District is going to be going into Partnership with private investors to build the Waterfront up to be a mixed used area of residential , commercial , parks , board walks , and potentially a Cruise Ship Port.
With all this change the next 10 years will prove to be vital and transforming for this community as the infrastructure starts to build and the World sees it onstage at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games
There are also several private developers doing Waterfront Projects as we speak, AQUA which is right on the Estuary and Mirau ,just doing pre-sales right now.
I will be posting Oceanfront updates and if anyone is interested in More information for clients I would be happy to help!